Figaro Fandango Scaramouche & Associates
open your eyes, look up to the skies...
"The World is broken and we need to fix it"
How many times do you hear somebody say this, or think it to yourself? But is this really true? Has nature stopped working properly or is it simply the malign influence of the human race that forces it to contend with the never-ending pollution that man thoughtlessly creates at such an alarming rate. Do we mean the planet itself, or are we referring to its inhabitants also? If the latter, we would agree, but not with the former. The World - in this context - has been broken for a long time. Most of us have been too busy to do much about it, even if we knew something was wrong. This website is intended to be a resource for all those people.
We are not here to show you proof that a cabal of satanists has run the world for centuries (although there are some links in the research section in case you want a refresher) but rather to provide a survival kit to help you fight back.
FFS was conceived by Sam Scaramouche as a consultancy vehicle for his family's affairs. Sam's background is in consultancy and wealth management, before working on past business reviews on behalf the financial regulators (FSA and FCA) so he has seen first-hand how large consultancy practices operate.
The FFS concept was entirely based on not emulating any of them. For one thing we don't intend to charge for this website nor our services (although we don't really plan to offer any) and we don't intend to spend our lives in meetings. We always take our work seriously, but not ourselves.
The internet is full of resources and information, much of it conflicting. It is unregulated and requires discernment of the highest order. This website does not offer anything original, nor do we promote any particular resource, but it aims to be a library of sorts, pulling together information we have found helpful so that you might narrow down your own search. It will evolve and we welcome ideas as to additional content.
And finally, because when you're fighting a war, you need to take a break sometimes. So there are a few pages that provides some respite and food for the soul. The site has been created primarily for our benefit, as a record of this chapter in our history. We hope you find it helpful too.